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How to Brighten up Your Home on a Budget


With days getting shorter as winter approaches and spending big money becoming riskier and more unappealing by the day, many of us wonder – what can we do to improve our everyday life and our home? Furthermore, how can we do it without paying through the nose? We’re here to share our thoughts on how you can brighten up your home on a budget, so keep on reading.

Step 1 – Declutter and clean

Declutter, store items in storage

Do you know what’s better than cheap? Free. That’s right, this first step doesn’t cost a thing, but makes a big difference. Imagine being a painter tasked with painting a beautiful bright picture. However, your canvas is all smudgy and dark, while your unused old brushes are all over the place. You couldn’t get much done, right? The same goes for your home.

Take the time to declutter your home – get rid of unnecessary items, whether by selling them, donating them, throwing them away, or storing them in rented storage. Remember, you can’t store everything. There are things that don’t belong in storage so be careful when sorting through your belongings.

Before you start packing, make sure all of the belongings you want to store are clean and dry. You also want to gather all of the necessary packing supplies. Being prepared is the key to knowing how to pack in no time and stress-free. Once you put things in storage, you will have much more available space.

Girl typing on a laptop in a messy room full of boxes.
Declutter your home and find the right storage unit for your needs.

Thorough cleaning

Once you’re done decluttering, it’s time for a thorough cleaning of your home. Now you need to make it sparkling clean. Wash those windows, rugs, and curtains. Wipe down the doors, counters, bathroom tiles, and appliances.

Step 2 – Turn old into new

Now that your home is clean and clear of unnecessary clutter, it’s time to give it a makeover. We’ll list two ideas for you to consider to brighten up your home – depending on your budget, you can pick which one to do. If you can afford it, why not even do them both?

  • Paint the walls. Don’t hire professional painters to do this for you, as that can be expensive. There are tons of tutorials online that will teach you how to do it yourself. You can even turn it into a fun activity if you do it with a partner, friend, or family. Don’t forget to pick bright colors, and protect your furniture from paint splash.
Brush on the wall with white color
Do wall painting by yourself and choose bright colors.
  • Refurbish the furniture. For cabinets, counters, desks, shelves, closets, and even doors, you can use self-adhesive foil to give them a completely new look. Couple that with new handlebars or trims and it’s like you’ve bought new furniture – only paid much less. For your couch, sofas, and chairs, you can look into changing the upholstery. It’s usually more affordable than buying new furniture, but it will look and feel brand new. It’s one of the simplest ways how to brighten up your home on a budget.

There are ways to transform your entire home on a budget, so starting with those little steps shouldn’t be an issue for you. Instead, you’ll probably enjoy it.

Step 3 – Putting the “bright” into “brighten up”

You knew this was coming. Yes, that’s right, lights. And no, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on Swarovski crystal sconces to make your home shine and feel luxurious. You can achieve the desired effects with just a few small, smart investments.

The first thing to consider are LED strips. Firstly, they are incredibly cheap. Secondly, they are self-adhesive so you can install them yourself. And finally, they are great for ambient lighting. Place them behind or under furniture or wall panels, and you’ll get that “ambient glow” effect.

To brighten up your home on a budget even more, consider replacing your old chandeliers and ceiling lights with new ones. They are more affordable than ever and will bring freshness into space.

Interior design of bright living space.
Never underestimate the importance of good lighting in your home.

Good lighting ideas can visually increase the space in your home, so never underestimate their importance.

Think about adding smart bulbs as well. While the most popular brands are certainly good, they are also expensive. There are others you can find at much lower prices, which will do the trick just as well. These bulbs will let you control the lights from your phone, dim them to set the mood, and even change their color to completely change the room’s atmosphere.

Step 4 – Decorate

The final step is to put some finishing touches since decorations make a big difference.

As with the previous ones, try to stay as cost-effective as you can, since it’s very easy to get carried away with beautiful and costly décor. Here are some ideas:

  • Mirrors: Adding mirrors to your walls or furniture will not only make the place feel more luxurious, but it will also make it brighter since more light will bounce around the room.
  • Curtains: White (or off-white) curtains, especially those with high transparency, will give your rooms a fresher look while letting in lots of natural light. If you can’t afford new ones, try taking your existing ones to the dry-cleaners. Watch them shine and brighten up your home on a budget.
  • Paintings: Where the super-rich may spend $43.8 million on an abstract painting of a white line on a blue canvas, the rest of us can buy some very interesting paintings for… a million times less, give or take! Consider some 3-piece or 5-piece printed canvas art. They’re inexpensive and you can choose any motive that you find interesting and which would fit your space perfectly.
  • Plants: Nothing breathes life into a room like life itself. Pick out some flowers at the local flower store, or some leafy plants for that extra greenery.

There are many other ways to decorate your new home. We are sure you have many ideas of your own and it will not be hard to find one that suits your style.

3 books, a cup of tea, and a plant by the window.
Plants near windows will make every space look fresher and brighter.

A good mood brightens up a room instantly

We hope you found these ideas to brighten up your home on a budget useful and that they will succeed in saving you a few dollars here and there. Have fun while brightening up your space and don’t forget that being in a good mood can instantly brighten up your day!

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